The Medical Fitness Formula™ Turnkey Systems
Leverage our 25+ years of experience and success to get your Medical Fitness & Wellness Program up and running in 90 days or less! Let us provide you with our complete proven system of implementation procedures, protocols, and marketing strategies for having a lucrative onsite integrated wellness program that emphasizes prevention, health-risk reduction, and an improved lifestyle through exercise and nutrition.

The Opportunity To Profit From One of the Most Successful Wellness Programs Available Today!
The Medical Fitness Formula™, developed and perfected by the Founders of the Medical Fitness Academy™, is a Turnkey System consisting of a series of strategically designed business systems and practices including the programs, protocols and implementation strategies needed to operate an onsite, medically integrated fitness program that emphasizes prevention, health-risk reduction, and an improved lifestyle.
The Medical Fitness Formula™ provides an existing healthcare practice with…
- A results-based medical fitness solution that is comprehensive, safe, time-efficient, effective and specifically positioned to appeal to the Baby Boomer and de-conditioned adult target demographic;
- A "structured program approach" emphasizing ongoing supervision, support, and accountability for each client; and
- A profitable, sustainable cash-based added service.
The Medical Fitness Formula™ is designed to be a low overhead, easy to manage program that easily integrates and operates inside most healthcare professional practices. It can operate in as little as 180 square feet with minimal build out requirements depending upon which model you choose:
Model A - The One Room Wellness Center
Requires 180 - 220 sq. ft.
Can serve up to approximately 90 client visits per week.
Potential Revenue: up to $10,000/mo.

Model B - The Starter
Requires 400 - 500 sq. ft.
Can serve up to approximately 150 client visits per week.
Potential Revenue: up to $33,000/mo.

Model C - The Achiever
Requires 1,000 - 1,200 sq. ft.
Can serve up to approximately 200 client visits per week.
Potential Revenue: up to $44,000/mo.

Model D - The Enterprise
Requires 1,600 - 2,100 sq. ft.
Can serve up to approximately 300 client visits per week.
Potential Revenue: up to $66,000/mo.

The Medical Fitness Formula™ encompasses the fundamental components necessary to encourage and help de-conditioned adults become more physically active, and improve their overall health and fitness level. This program approach to fitness provides each participant with a custom designed, structured fitness program along with ongoing accountability and support to increase client retention and successful longevity in the program.
The Medical Fitness Formula™ includes the following Program Components for every participant in the program…
- Initial Fitness & Wellness Consultation
- Fitness Assessments & Evaluations
- Metabolism Testing
- Strength Training Program
- Cardiovascular Exercise Program
- Progress Re-Assessments & Evaluations
The Medical Fitness Formula™ also includes all the necessary systems, implementation strategies, training and support required to launch a medical fitness program in your healthcare practice.
Proven Concept That's Easy To Integrate
The Medical Fitness Formula™ is a proven business concept, developed and refined over a 25 year period, specifically to provide healthcare professionals with a comprehensive, easy to integrate, personalized approach to fitness and wellness for their patients.
The Medical Fitness Formula™ meets and surpasses TEN CRUCIAL CRITERIA we recommend that you consider when incorporating an additional service offering to your practice…
- Practice Growth Potential - Taps into the huge opportunities in the medical fitness marketplace and attracts the under-serviced "Baby Boomer", medically-compromised, de-conditioned adult populations.
- Service Differentiation - an effective alternative to the usual "open gym membership" concept.
- Consumer Appeal - a convenient, high quality, structured medical-oriented fitness program providing customized, supervised exercise programs that emphasize disease prevention, health-risk reduction and an improved lifestyle, and, provides for health professional oversight… all at an affordable fee.
- Practice Appropriateness - a practical, justifiable "next step" continuity program backed by research that easily blends into almost any healthcare professional's practice.
- Start Up Cost - relatively low cost start up with a rapid breakeven and recovery of investment within the first six months of operation.
- Facility Requirements - compact space requirements starting with as little as 250 square feet.
- Ease of implementation - turnkey proven success model so you do not have to re-invent the wheel thereby saving time, money and effort from trying to figure out how to do it yourself. Operational in 90 days.
- Daily Time Requirement - staff-operated program requiring minimal health professional oversight.
- Long Term Sustainability - provides for predictable outcomes and results for the client, produces dependable recurring revenue, plus… it is cash-based and not dependent on third party pay.
- Profitability - increases patient retention and the long term $$ value of each patient, provides for low overhead and high margins, designed for profits to exceed 50% of revenue.
The Medical Fitness Formula™ Training and Support
The Medical Fitness Formula™ helps practitioners shorten their learning curve, fast-track program implementation, and get their own Medical Fitness & Wellness Program up and running in less than 90 days.
The Medical Fitness Formula™ training and support focuses on these main areas:
- Program Planning
- Client Program Delivery
- Staff Selection & Training
- Billing & Collection
- Program Sales and Enrollment
- Medical Oversight
- Business Operations
- Marketing & Program Growth
Our training and support program leaves no stone unturned. We provide you with all the training, tools and support you need to launch your medical fitness program. We follow a methodical step by step approach…
Effective planning is the first step to creating a thriving and profitable program in your practice.
This is often the most crucial and yet overlooked step because many feel that if they just put some equipment and a personal trainer in a room, it will eventually work. Our Medical Fitness Formula™ provides you with the tools and strategies you need to launch a successful medical fitness and wellness program without chaos and disruption to your already-busy practice.

The second step is to implement your plan and launch your program.
In most cases, you can have a fully-functional medical fitness and wellness program launched in your practice in just 90 days. The step-by-step 'flow' of this process includes implementing core business strategies that insure your success.
Imagine... in just 90 days, you can have an exciting, new program as a welcome addition to your practice that a select community of your patients will gladly pay cash for and provide you with an ongoing stream of monthly revenue.
Success in your medical fitness program is largely based on a simple, proven 'formula' that has two components.
The first is selecting the best demographic for your program who will appreciate the opportunity you are providing to them; and the second is having a uniquely-designed wellness program that is time-efficient and yet consistently produces results they want. Few healthcare providers realize that there is a 'hidden goldmine' in the patient files that are neatly stored away when they are not in your practice. These files represent a wellness opportunity to create a strong cash-based income stream for the healthcare practice.
Essentially, most of the initial 'promotion' for your wellness program comes directly from communicating with the patients in your already-established practice. This source alone can produce a filled-to-capacity wellness program without having to do outside promotion.

There are more ways to increase profitability from your medical fitness program than meet the eye.
While it's easy to realize that your new program can yield nice cash revenue each month with just a small sector of participating patients or members, additional streams of income are available beyond the initial core services you provide.
Additional services in the areas of weight loss, metabolism testing, and lifestyle nutrition are just a few that help expand the potential of your wellness program. In addition, pre-program health evaluations, as well as further diagnostic testing as warranted, maximize your profit potential while keeping your patients safe as they enter your wellness program.
With our expertise, you learn how easy it is to convert your insurance-dependent patients into cash-paying 'wellness clients'. As your wellness program grows in both revenue and capacity, you'll realize the positive effect you are making in the lives of your patients and members... and in your bank account.
Are You Ready To Profit From
One of the Most Successful Medical Fitness Programs Available Today!
The need for medical fitness and wellness programs for the 'Baby Boomer' and de-conditioned adult market is rapidly sweeping across the country. Research proves that health-promoting lifestyle interventions like exercise, diet, and nutrition are effective in the treatment and prevention of obesity and chronic conditions, and is creating the overwhelming need for healthcare and fitness professionals to focus on one logical solution... PREVENTION.
You can easily offer your patients your own medical fitness and wellness solution in your practice… AND… add a significant amount of cash to your practice's bottom line at the same time.
Use our proven system, developed and refined over 25 years, and don't try to re-invent the wheel and to do it on your own. Using our leverage and duplicating OUR success will help you fast-track your success...
NOTE: THIS IS NOT A FRANCHISE. We customize our program to fit your practice and business goals.
Will you be the solution to obesity in your area and be the one making the income... or will it be your competition? See if this Exclusive Turnkey Program is for you and your practice as you enter the next explosive trend in healthcare!
Begin your journey to
greater success and financial freedom today!

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