Medical Physicians
Medical Physicians Hold The Key To Empowering Patients In Living A Healthier And Active Lifestyle.

Go Beyond Sick Care & Bring A Successful Wellness Program Into Your Practice
Each day, Medical Physicians encounter patients that suffer the adverse health effects of an inactive lifestyle and poor dietary habits. Yet even when time permits, the advice and guidance they try to give them on exercise and better nutrition often falls on deaf ears.
But forward-thinking Medical Physicians know it is logical to address the lifestyles of their patients, particularly when they can have a grave influence on their health and disease profile. They know that with some simple changes that include regular exercise, patients can stack the deck in their favor when it comes to positively influencing and preventing more than 40 chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, obesity and hypertension.
In fact according to medical peers that formed Exercise is Medicine®, an initiative focused on encouraging primary care physicians and other health care providers to include exercise when designing treatment plans for patients, the time is now for Medical Physicians to integrate "exercise consultation" as a regular, important part of their interaction with patients.
And while this initiative encouraging doctors to bring a greater focus on exercise in the healthcare setting is certainly a step in the right direction, having an effective, structured medical fitness and wellness program right in your facility as part of your practice gives the Medical Physician ultimate control over their patient's programs, including predictable outcomes.

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