Health Club Managers
Health club managers have the daunting task of attracting new members and providing features and amenities that will keep them as satisfied members. Offering medical fitness and other wellness-based services in your facility can be the solution you've been looking for to continue to grow and profit even in this economy.

Learn How To Attract New Members and Keep Them Longer
It's a fact that even today, with all the media advertising and fitness awareness around us, health clubs and gyms still only attract and keep a relatively small percentage of the population - approximately 14% in the U.S. This is mostly because the majority of people (86%) whom you would like to see join your club or gym are part of the "de-conditioned population" who may not feel you offer a safe "first step".
Offering more personalized medical fitness and wellness-based services provides huge growth opportunities and allows the health club or gym manager to penetrate this missed revenue market.
Medical fitness, a branch of a discipline called "lifestyle medicine", is quickly gaining in awareness and popularity in the healthcare industry. Simply put... it uses regular structured exercise as part of a patients overall treatment regimen.
Healthcare practitioners work with lots of patients every day that are in need of lifestyle changes that include regular exercise. They also know it's logical to address the lifestyles of their patients, particularly when it can have either a positive influence on their health and disease profile.
This is where offering medical fitness and other wellness-based services in a small dedicated space of your health club can be a cash-revenue magnet for attracting people who have lifestyle-induced conditions that can be improved through regular, supervised exercise. And it's a proven fact that "new members" stepping into a dedicated Medical Fitness & Wellness Program are willing to pay more for structure, guidance and support than the fitness fanatic "I want to do it on my own" member.
With a properly-designed Medical Fitness & Wellness Program in your facility, you can increase your sphere of influence and attract those people who know they should be exercising but are afraid that they will have to go it alone to exercise, particularly if they suffer from one or more chronic lifestyle-related diseases.
According to called Exercise is Medicine® national initiative focused on encouraging primary care physicians and other health care providers to include exercise when designing treatment plans for patients, the time is now for Health Club Managers to build relationships with healthcare practitioners so they feel comfortable referring their patients to you because you host a well-designed and structured Medical Fitness & Wellness Program at your facility.
The Medical Fitness Academy provides the training and tools Health Club and Gym Managers need to Plan, Implement, Promote, and Profit from a Medical Fitness & Wellness Program in their facility, and how to build lasting referral relationships with healthcare practitioners.

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