Fitness Professionals
If You're A Fitness Professional... Learn How To Build A Thriving Medical Fitness & Wellness Business That Attracts An Unlimited Supply Of New Clients And Members.

Tap Into The Largest Source Of New Clients And Members Just Waiting To Be Helped.
Over 90% of the U.S. population are in need of lifestyle changes that include regular exercise. But most of them have chronic health issues that often preclude them from going to a gym or health club by themselves and trying to exercise. They fear getting hurt or feeling worse. They just don't know where to go or who to go to for the help they need.
As a Fitness Professional who understands their needs and has the skills to work with them when they have cardiovascular, metabolic, and musculoskeletal conditions, you can make a difference in their lives.
You already know that with regular exercise, people can stack the deck in their favor when it comes to positively influencing and preventing more than 40 chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, obesity and hypertension.
In fact, according to a national initiative called Exercise is Medicine® which is an initiative focused on encouraging primary care physicians and other health care providers to include exercise when designing treatment plans for patients, the time is now for Fitness Professionals to come into their own and start working with healthcare practitioners to integrate exercise as a regular, important part of their consultations and treatment plan of their patients.
Now is the time for Fitness Professionals to "specialize" and begin to partner healthcare practitioners to provide an effective, structured medical fitness and wellness program for their patients who usually belong to the 90%!
The Medical Fitness Academy provides the training and tools that you need to attract these individuals that belong to this HUGE UNTAPPED MARKET. You learn the business and marketing side, as well as how to effectively approach and partner with healthcare practitioners to gain their respect and their constant flow of referrals. We show you how to Plan, Implement, Promote, and Profit with medical fitness and wellness programs in your health club, gym, or personal training studio.

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