Let Us Show You How Easy It Is To Integrate A Wellness Program Into Your Practice Today...
The vast research proves that health-promoting lifestyle interventions like exercise, diet, and nutrition are effective in the treatment and prevention of obesity and chronic conditions. These statistics, coupled with the desire of the "Baby Boomers" to stay healthy and mobile, are creating the overwhelming need for healthcare professionals to focus on one logical solution... PREVENTION.
Wellness Programs emphasizing prevention, health-risk reduction, and an improved lifestyle can be designed to easily operate inside almost any Medical Physician's, Physical Therapy, or Chiropractic practice.
Offering a results-producing, affordable wellness program specifically positioned to appeal to the Baby Boomer and de-conditioned adult target demographic is easier than you think.
Your Wellness Program can be customized to meet your practice needs and goals and can encompass all or just a few of the following fundamental wellness program components:
- Physical activity assessments and evaluations;
- Resting and Exercise Metabolism testing;
- Personalized nutrition and weight loss programs including lifestyle coaching and supplements;
- Personalized strength training exercise sessions;
- Customized, targeted cardiovascular exercise sessions;
- Ongoing lifestyle assessments, reviews and follow-ups.
We Have A Proven Approach That's Easy To Integrate And...
- Easily complements a medical, physical therapy or chiropractic practice.
- Improves retention and keeps your patients in-house for their weight loss, exercise, and healthier living regimen.
- Provides for a safe, efficient, effective anti-aging solution.
- Attracts new patients looking for healthier alternatives.
- It adds cash-based revenues to your practice.
- It saves time, money and effort from trying to figure out how to do it yourself.
The goal of the Medical Fitness Academy™ is to help you customize your unique wellness program to fit your practice and business goals. We help you design your systems, protocols and implementation strategies required to operate a cash-based, low overhead, easy to manage program.
We'll provide the tools and support you need to launch your wellness program. And once your program is launched, we provide effective marketing and operational support to create an ongoing successful wellness program and profit center.
The need for medical fitness and wellness programs for the 'Baby Boomer' and deconditioned adult market is rapidly sweeping across the country. We have taken our proven system, developed and refined over 20-years, and are actively seeking qualified healthcare and fitness professionals to partner with this life-changing addition to your business.
Let us help you implement and grow YOUR Medical Fitness & Wellness Program that will allow you to achieve higher profitability and greater success in your practice.
Begin your journey to
greater success and financial freedom today!
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