Consulting Programs
Every practice is unique. From the types of patients you serve to your practice philosophy; from your treatment protocols to your marketing strategies. And no one knows your practice better than YOU do. If you got your own ideas about wellness in your practice, we can help you make them a reality!

Healthcare's Perfect Storm
It's no secret that the healthcare profession is facing incredibly challenging times right now. Doctors and therapists everywhere are struggling to maintain profit in their practices and career satisfaction is alarmingly low.
We talk to healthcare practitioners every day about it... you're probably fed up with managed care, the headaches of insurance denials, and fee schedule pay cuts. You're sick and tired of long stressful hours where you see so many patients, you can't remember their names or the conditions you are treating them for and live in constant fear of a law suit.
You know as well as we do that the new social health care plan is only going to make it all worse. Experts predict that it will put such a burden on private practice that many doctors will either retire, go out of business, or seek out another profession.
The practices that do survive will fall into one of two categories:
- Doctors that try to accommodate a completely broken health care system. These doctors will end up having to see more patients per day to make ends meet. Not only will they have to continue dealing with managed care pay reductions, red tape, and audits, but they will also have to take on the even greater nightmare of a government run healthcare system. Imagine everyday... having to deal with government employees dictating what your patients need and don't need regardless of what you believe or think. Managing your office operations will become a frustrating hybrid of the DMV meets HMO's. Those doctors capable of succeeding in this model will be miserable and burn out fast.
- Doctors who embrace an expanded view of their practice and decide to offer wellness services in addition to their illness healthcare. These doctors will gradually become less and less dependent upon insurance payment for their livelihood. They will gradually become unaffected by how the government or insurance companies to dictate how they provide care to their patients. These doctors will be armed with a new and more profitable business model that will enable them to survive in the upcoming medical paradigm shift. These doctors won't have to find and see more and more patients each day to make ends meet because they will have the confidence in knowing that no matter what happens, the wellness side of their practice will continue to generate cash revenues from patients who want what they offer and are willing to pay for it out of their own pockets.
Right NOW is the most important time in Healthcare History
to strengthen, solidify or even re-invent your practice
Much like the overall world economy, healthcare is in a state of cataclysmic change...
- Socialized healthcare with more rules and limitations is being implemented. No one is even sure what these will be, but one thing is sure, you will have to spend more money hiring experts to try and figure it out.
- Impending pay cuts are on the horizon which means more patients, more liability, and less income.
- Increased insurance and government health care audits are coming. In order to save money, the government will most likely implement a "best practices" policy that triggers more frequent auditing of your records. Will the new policy match your practice philosophy? Probably not.
- Job satisfaction for doctors is at an all-time low. We have talked to doctors who are quitting. We have talked to doctors who are going into real estate. We have talked to doctors who are taking on cases they wouldn't otherwise treat just to make ends meet.
Bottom line? If you continue to try to practice in this broken system, you will have to work longer hours, hire more employees, and see more patients to avoid a pay cut. Never mind a pay increase.
But there is some good news…
There is a small percentage of private practice owners who are experiencing unprecedented growth and success in this New Economy. So what are they doing that's so DIFFERENT?
- They have identified and adapted to the recent changes in the healthcare consumer marketplace.
- They have implemented additional profitable cash-based services that separate them from the frightened masses.
- They have honed in on their unique practice demographic niche and are using a new approach to re-create their 6 figure income.
In order to not just survive, but THRIVE during these challenging times, you need to be armed with the most up-to-date, proven strategies and guidance from experts with a proven track record of REAL SUCCESS in the Healthcare arena to help you to:
- Avoid the most common practice-killing mistakes.
- Solve the challenges of the "New Economy".
- Decrease the stress that arises from trying to balance excellent patient care and practice management.
- Strengthen or re-establish your practice and yourself as a powerful and profitable Wellness Practice.
Here's just some of the outcomes you can count on when you let us help you...
- You'll be able to Predictably Attract More (and better) Patients (to help you to generate more income with less stress).
- You'll be able to Boost your Practice with Referrals (these patients stay longer and spend more on your services).
- You'll be able to Increase Your Practice Retention (having a system for patient retention decreases the need for expensive external marketing).
- You'll be able to get your "Lost Patients" Back (there's literally a goldmine hidden in your inactive patient files).
- You'll be able to have a COMPLETELY NEW CASH REVENUE STREAM that will allow you to generate income without you having to deliver the services.
- You'll discover additional "Hidden" Profit Services that your patients are already looking for and willing to pay you cash for.
Your Ideas... We'll Help You Make Them A Reality!
Every practice is unique. From the types of patients you serve to your practice philosophy; from your treatment protocols to your marketing strategies.
And no one knows your practice better than YOU do.
Our Personalized Consulting Program is designed to help you implement your ideas for your wellness program in your practice so that it's easy and effortless to run, totally compliments your practice, and delivers you a consistent, dependable monthly cash-based income stream. We'll help you provide a solution that is both ethical and relevant to today's practice challenges.
By using the leverage created from our years of experience and proven track record, you can eliminate a HUGE "learning curve" while we help you implement an efficient and systematized approach to the delivery of your wellness program and services.
We have a solution for you.

Some of the Components of our Personalized Consulting Program include...
- Program Goals & Needs Analysis
- Services To Offer
- Facility Evaluation & Floor Plan Layout
- Equipment Needs Assessment & Action Plan
- Effective Protocols & Procedures
- Staffing Analysis & Recommendations
- Staff Training Action Plan
- Program Pricing
- Program Launch Strategies & Action Plan
- Internal & External Promotion Strategies
Make A Difference... For Both You & Your Patients.
The need for medical fitness and wellness programs for the 'Baby Boomer' and de-conditioned adult market is rapidly sweeping across the country. Research proves that health-promoting lifestyle interventions like exercise, diet, and nutrition are effective in the treatment and prevention of obesity and chronic conditions, and is creating the overwhelming need for healthcare and fitness professionals to focus on one logical solution... PREVENTION.
You can easily offer your patients your own medical fitness and wellness solution in your practice… AND… add a significant amount of cash to your practice's bottom line at the same time.
Will you be the doctor who is going to offer wellness services your patients are already looking for in your area and be the one making the income... or will it be your competition?
See if this Exclusive Program is for you and your practice as you enter the next explosive trend in healthcare!
Begin your journey to
greater success and financial freedom today!