Lifestyle Medicine offers a proven solution!
Most of you will agree that our current healthcare system is NOT all that it could be. Now more than ever, healthcare and fitness professionals need to take action and expand their continuums of care to include programs that improve the overall health status of their patients and clients.
Research continues to show that the vast majority of healthcare problems burdening our society are actually caused by disease-promoting lifestyles. The pressure is on to find a solution -- longer life expectancy, uncontrollable increases in health care costs, continually rising health insurance premiums - are among the many reasons why Lifestyle Medicine is rapidly gaining widespread popularity and support.
Obesity, the fastest-growing cause of disease and death in America, is now responsible for $147 billion in medical costs now the fastest-growing cause of disease and death in America. And the sad part is... it's completely preventable.
These statistics illustrate the seriousness of this problem and the crucial need for health-promoting lifestyle interventions including diet and exercise:
- Today over 58 million Americans are overweight;
- Over 40 million Americans are obese;
- Over 3 million Americans are morbidly obese;
- More than 85% of all diabetes cases are due to obesity and being overweight;
- There's been more than a 78% increase in Type II diabetes in adults between 30 and 40 years old since 1990;
- More than 70% of all heart-related disease are heavily correlated with being overweight and/or obese;
- Almost 45% of all breast and colon cancer cases are heavily related to obesity and/or being overweight;
- One 1 out of every 8 deaths in America is caused by an illness directly related to being overweight or obese;
- And today it's estimated that treating obesity in the US alone costs about $117 billion per year.
And if this isn't bad enough...
- Research now proves that diabetes, hypertension, and some forms of cancer are directly associated with the lack of physical activity and poor lifestyle behavior;
- More than 50% of all Americans suffer from one or more chronic conditions, including: diabetes, heart conditions, hypertension, strokes, pulmonary issues, cancer or mental health issues that could be improved and/or prevented by making improvements in lifestyle behaviors;
- And only 1 of 3 adults exercise regularly, and only 1 in 4 exercise at all.
Yet... It's estimated that Americans currently spend about $58 billion on weight loss products and services and another $25 billion on health club services. While many adults know that participating in an exercise program and improving their eating choices and habits can make a significant difference to their life, and while many have lost weight doing so, many still continue to struggle with no success. And as the number of overweight individuals continues to increase, the number of people looking for ways to reduce this unwanted fat and associated health problems will also increase.
Rising obesity rates, surges in lifestyle-related deaths and diseases, informed patients, and new trends in health care are all shaping the future of medicine.
The Baby Boomer & Beyond… The Most Under-Served Patient
Today, Americans are trying to stay more active longer than previous generations. These "desiring to remain active and healthy" aging Americans also represent an opportunity for your practice.
By 2020, the population of Americans age 55 to 64 will have grown an unprecedented 73 percent since 2000. This group represents 44% of the US population, and has a considerable buying power -- they hold 70% of US disposable income. And they also purchase 77% of all prescription medicines.
Boomers are more sophisticated purchasers of health care and want more information and control over their health care. Boomers also have a "fierce" desire to remain independent and understand (or are beginning to understand) the real consequences of the "aging process" and the importance of living a "more fit' lifestyle.
Boomers also understand that physical inactivity and muscle loss with age not only threatens important quality of life issues such as flexibility, functionality and mobility, but more importantly, leads to "age related" health issues such as osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease, type II Diabetes, and even some forms of Cancer.
Boomers are looking for a "better solution" because they know they can't do what they use to do to "stay healthy"; and if they haven't done anything to "stay healthy", they realize they can't wait any longer to "get healthy".
Let us help you implement and grow a wellness and medical fitness program that will allow you to achieve higher profitability and greater success in your practice.
Begin your journey to
greater success and financial freedom today!
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